
Homeward Bound

How You’ll Survive the Cold This Winter

Right now in the Arctic Circle, someone huddled under a seal pelt is saying, “Still. It’s warmer than Chicago.” But hey, at least you don’t have to hunt your own blankets. Or casseroles. Or personal bartenders. Those come to you now. Here are five warm things fit to deliver.

A Hot Little Dish Is Coming Over

A Hot Little Dish Is Coming Over

Look around you. Yep. Not an Italian grandmother in sight. You’re good, though, because Johnny Casserole is standing at the ready to deliver piping-hot dishes of mac and cheese, tuna noodle casserole, lasagna and shepherd’s pie. Cheek-pinching: presumably extra.

Order 24 hours in advance, same-day delivery available in North Center area, Johnny Casserole, 4019 N Damen Ave, 773-857-2665

Don’t Worry: A Bartender Is on the Way

Don’t Worry: A Bartender Is on the Way

There are many liquor-delivery apps out there willing to bring your preferred soul-warming whiskey to your door. But Minibar has an ace up its sleeve: bartenders on demand. Particularly useful if you’re turning your place into an impromptu warming shelter with better Manhattans than normal warming shelters.

Hot Chocolate to the Rescue

Hot Chocolate to the Rescue

Foxtrot is a delivery app that’s serious about sheltering you from the brutality of winter. It will bring you whatever you need for a comfy night in. Candles: yes. Warm cider: yes. A 12-ounce can of Intelligentsia single-origin Ghanaian cocoa mix: of course. See. Serious.

Snuggling Assistance on Demand

Snuggling Assistance on Demand

A cold winter’s night means there’s a high likelihood of being cold. And should getting all cozy with someone be in the cards, you’re going to need something soft and warm. Elements will take care of that by happily driving a blanket over. Oh, yes, there will be cashmere.

$395-$795, Elements, 741 N Wells St, 312-642-6574

Red Long Johns in About an Hour

Red Long Johns in About an Hour

Tell the Postmates app whatever it is you want, and someone will go get it and bring it to you. And if that means a Civil War–inspired Union Suit—a ridiculously warm, red one-piece long john—from Belmont Army, so be it. You... just ordered underwear like it was pizza.

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