
As Promised, Here’s Augustine

It’s a McNally Spectacular

By Geoff Rynex ·
None 10 Photos Augustine
Last week, we showed you around Tom Colicchio’s agreeable new spot at the Beekman. Now, we show you Keith McNally’s at the same hotel.

It’s called Augustine, and it’s a typically grandiose all-day brasserie of French-via-America food. It’s opening tonight in FiDi.

It’s a big deal when Mr. McNally opens a restaurant, him being one of the quintessential restaurateurs in this city and the world. So we mostly want to shut up and just show you things. That said, know this:

—There’s, yet again, a new burger (part of this menu). This one’s topped with onions braised in single malt scotch. This guy just never runs out of new stupendous burger ideas.

—Similar to Fowler & Wells, they’re favoring traditional dishes you don’t see so much anymore—duck à l’orange, Waldorf salad, cheese soufflé and the like.

—Dale motherfucking DeGroff helped put the cocktail menu together, so drink one or more of those (one of the five martini variations might work, to start).

—Brunch and lunch are coming, as they so often do.

So let’s say that two roads diverge in a lobby, and you decide to take the one Keith traveled by. Here’s what you’ll see, including the burger...
Geoff Rynex

If Geoff Rynex is honest, he still doesn't really understand what Bitcoin is.

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