Freemans Sporting Club

Clothes And Arrows

Freemans Opens Store with Archery Range

The man behind the city's favorite back-alley hunting lodge serving up a mean mac and cheese can't be too lacking in brilliant ideas.So here comes another one: the freshly opened Freemans Sporting Club (just around the corner from said alley), which combines the two other key elements of a man's life (besides food): good clothes and a good shave.

Though the low-key décor screams upstate (the taxidermy, the cedar, the trailer parks), the threads at the front of the store are sure to give your Brooks a run for their money. Check out the 120-count Egyptian cotton button-downs designed by Taavo Somer himself, or the collection of one-of-a-kind deadstock wool suits. If you've got some free time and loose change, a quality bespoke suit is the way to go—perfected after three fittings, they're made from unique vintage fabrics carefully selected (that's right—just for you) from the city's Garment District.

The old-school barbershop at the back of the store will even take care of the stubble you've been meaning to get to. And with wood brushes, hot towels and a pair of good clippers (and vintage leather chairs worthy of a nap or two), you can expect some quality (but manly) TLC.

And since no sporting club would be complete without, well, sporting, try to uncover the hidden stairwell that leads to Freemans exclusive archery range in the basement, just rough enough for a pickup game of bows and arrows with Taavo and the guys.

Finally, a place to put that darned quiver to use.


Freemans Sporting Club
8 Rivington St
(between Bowery and Freeman Alley)
Lower East Side
New York, NY, 10002

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