
Good Friday

Searching Every Store from Home

UD - Goodzer We’ve got a feeling that come Friday morning, you may not be in fighting shape.
Call it a hunch. Call it a known side effect to your family’s holiday tradition of running wind sprints between turducken and sweet potato pie.

But you’ll happily remain on the sidelines for Black Friday.

Thankfully, sleeping in is step one in your grand gift-buying scheme this year.
For step two, you’ll log on to Goodzer, a website that lets you search through the inventory of 15,000 NYC stores without having to take off your conveniently spacious day-after-Thanksgiving alpaca robe, launching online today.

Essentially, this is like running your holiday shopping list through a high-powered search engine and cross referencing that with the covertly obtained stock printouts of nearly every store in New York. You’ll adjourn to your study, and with an open laptop and a dram of gravy (surprisingly, very sippable), you’ll plot your shopping route.

You see, the site uses a very complex algorithm (though we suspect it’s just computer hacking ninja warehouse clerks) to compile a constantly updated database of store inventory that can be sorted by price and location. And once you find the nearest ma-and-pa joint that isn’t backordered on authentic bottles of Crystal Pepsi, you can pull up a Google street map to get a visual on the place.

Which will just make things easier for your remote-controlled butler.

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