
What Do the Models Think of China’s Ban on Lady Gaga?

This Week’s Important Happenings, as Told Through Beautiful Women

By UrbanDaddy Staff ·
A lot has happened this week. A lot happens every week. But rarely do we ask the vital question: “What do our supermodels make of all this?” From now on, we ask, they answer, and you stay informed. This is Supermodels Reacting to the News...

New York will only continue to get more crowded, as the population is projected to grow by another half million in the near future...
Agnes Sokolowka does not like how that sounds for the near future of her laundry days.

President Barack Obama is making post–White House plans that might include venture capitalism...
Shlomit Malka would rather go surfing.

China has just announced a ban on Lady Gaga...
Rosie Huntington-Whiteley cannot fathom a Gaga-less existence.

Scientists have devised a new blogging robot...
Azlin Nicolette has even less respect for robots now.

Google just plugged into Japan with its own undersea cable...
Sabrina Nait may or may not have been the one who plugged it in.

Lil Wayne has announced plans to release a prison memoir...
Aneta Pajak was just hoping for a good beach read.

Photos: Stas Komarovski (Agnes Sokolowka); Kevin Sinclair (Shlomit Malka); Hunter & Gatti (Azlin Nicolette and Sabrina Nait); Russell James (Rosie Huntington-Whiteley); Ben Rayner (Aneta Pajak)

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