
Skeptical Investigation

Getting Anything Delivered, from Anywhere

By UrbanDaddy Staff ·
We’re lovers. You know that. But every now and again, something comes across our desks that requires extra scrutiny. And so we scrutinize, extra, for you.

We call it: Skeptical Investigation. (Trademark pending.)

Parcl, online now, will connect you with people in far-off lands who can forward you whatever items you desire that aren’t shipped to your country. Say, items that might look really good on you if you were to wear them. Items that basically no one else would have. Just for example.

Our resident style operative hopped on the website, signed up and promptly requested an Italian-made wool hankie from a site that refuses to ship to the US.

They plugged in some info, like whether the purchase demanded a customs declaration (it didn’t) and whether the Parcl assistant should test the product before shipping it (uh, no thanks). Then, from a list of potential “forwarders,” our operative chose a man named Jan to help out. He had a kind face.

The next day, Jan responded with Parcl’s price. (A few bucks were tacked on for his assistance, as expected.) Then our operative went on living.

It worked. Jan sent updates throughout the process: from ordering and receiving to repackaging and shipping the kerchief. Within 10 days, the elusive hankie landed on our operative’s doorstep.

For the record, it’s a figurative doorstep. But still.

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