

Take Polaroids With Your iPhone

UrbanDaddy - ShakeIt Remember when André 3000 sang that catchy "shake it like a Polaroid picture" bit at the end of "Hey Ya!"?

Yeah, 2003 was awesome.

Just one problem, though: as Polaroid quickly noted, you're not actually supposed to shake the brand's namesake pictures. (Which raises an important question: if you can't trust OutKast for gadget advice, who can you trust?)

At long last, that error has been redressed. Introducing ShakeIt, a new iPhone App that lets you, finally, shake it like a Polaroid picture.

And just in time: Polaroid discontinued its legendary film stock last year. Think of this as your 21st century substitute: once you download the App in one of two forms—a 99-cent ad-supported version or a two-dollar one sans ads—you then pick between "standard" and "long" development to determine how Polaroid-y your Polaroid will be. Start snapping away and well, shake it. Suddenly last night's drunken party snaps look downright artsy.

And because you're the sharing type, you can submit your pics to ShakeIt's Flickr pool. (There's even a regular contest, but unleashing your photographic masterpieces is its own reward.)

Great art always shakes things up.

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