
It’s a Fire-Heated Hot Tub. Come See.

It’s Just Big Enough for Two. So You And...

By Nathan Wahl ·

Let’s hypothesize that you don’t have a Japanese-inspired, wood-fire-heated soaking tub. Yeah, long shot, we know. But pretend.

Because we want you to come in fresh-faced to see Soak, a hot tub heated with firewood and just big enough for two, aka where you and a lucky someone will spend many future starry nights sipping bubbly, available now.

It comes to you from Ox + Monkey, a British Columbia–based design team who clearly, as evidenced by their desire to remake the hot tub, have their priorities straight. And no, we’re not being facetious.The entire thing is made from aluminum, steel and red cedar. More importantly, those are the materials that form the wood stove, the appended wood holder and the seats upon which you’ll be doing... nothing. Absolutely nothing.

The scene will play out something like this: first you’ll fill the tub with water. That’ll take a minute, so in the meantime: chop wood. Though we’re positive no one would know any better if you bought wood and said you chopped it. The fire will then take about two hours to bring the water to just over 100 degrees. Which gives you plenty of time to put some ice, tequila, limeade and Cointreau in a blender and text someone with whom you’d like to spend a few hours in a hot tub drinking that creation.

You earned it after all that wood chopping.

Nathan Wahl

Nathan Wahl watched a lot of <em>Roseanne</em> growing up and wonders how much bearing that has on who he is as a person now.

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