
Camping Your Style

This Retro-Inspired Mini Camper Is Nice

None 5 Photos HC1
You’ve packed your bags.

Double-knotted the chinstraps of your khaki fisherman’s hat.

The small, hand-scrawled sign is still swinging on your office door.

“Gone camping.”

Don’t forget your HC1, a new retro-looking camper with a pod-based interior that you can set up, and re-set-up, and re-set-up as you please. It’s really nice, and it’s available now.

This thing looks like a miniature version of the classic Volkswagen RV. It’s solar-powered with a flip-up hatch, and the inside is fully customizable through that pod system wherein you slide little cubes in and out of it, Lego-style.

But all right, enough of that. On to some likely scenarios...

You require: A camper for two.
You’ll add: Cushioned pods, wooden countertop pods, a tabletop pod and the tiny kitchenette option. Sorry we didn’t say “pod” at the end there.

You require: Room for fishing rods and various swimming noodles.
You’ll add: ... It’s 10-by-6 feet, so keep it empty and you should be good.

You require: A massive sunroof and a sound system.
You’ll add: A massive sunroof and a sound system.

You require: Someone’s undivided attention.
You’ll add: Maybe a cheese plate and some candles or something, but we like where you’re going with this.

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