
Swipe Out

An App That Prevents Camera Roll Snooping

None This weekend, you’re going to take some pictures.

Some of those pictures you’ll want to share.

Others, you’ll want to do the complete opposite of share.

But eventually, someone will scroll recklessly through your camera roll, and...

... you’ll be really glad you have Overswipe, a why-is-this-just-now-happening iPhone app that displays only the pictures on your camera roll that you want to share and not a single picture more, now available.

This is just a harmless way of protecting your unalienable Right to Bear Questionable Photos without fear of anyone else ever seeing them.

So next week, when someone wants photographic evidence of your Labor Day weekend exploits, don’t open your camera roll. Open this app instead. Select only the photos you want to show, hit “Display” and hand over your phone like nothing is amiss.

And like you only took four pictures of sunsets.

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