
Apocalypse Howl

Gear for Surviving the End of the World

None It could happen at any time.

An earthquake.

A volcano.

An outdoor Super Bowl in New Jersey in the middle of winter.

And when it does, you’ll be ready...

Take stock in Wolfram, a new company specializing in over-the-top, apocalypse-proof survival kits, online now.

This operation: one part Eagle Scouts, one part Hoarders, one part damn good idea. See, they’ve gone and collected over 170 things you’d typically use to weather a nuclear holocaust—axes, body warmers, propane, Starbucks coffee—and stuffed them inside some massive, double-steel-walled cabinets. Which they’ll ship to you. So maybe get a bigger mailbox.

Thing is, surviving the end of the world is apparently pretty complicated. Which is why you can also tap these guys for one of their customized emergency plans. They’ll survey your house for escape routes, back up your vital documents and just generally make sure you know what to do in the event of a catastrophe.

Lesson #1: proper whiskey rationing.

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