Food & Drink

Ferment to Be

Cider, for All of the Months

By UrbanDaddy Staff ·
You’re right, delicious cider is everywhere right now.

And that’s not a bad thing.

But it won’t always be like this. There’s going to be a time when cider is not everywhere.

And that just won’t do.

Best join Shacksbury: a Vermont company churning out tasty ABV-having ciders and shipping them to your door each month. They’re online now and ready to do that starting this January, because that’s what they do.

You could just hop on and choose whatever cider you want, immediately. Or you could opt to receive two fermented apple beverages each month for the next three, six or 12 months. Ones you can’t just buy on their own.

The exact ciders will change with each delivery, but they’ll all be made with local apples plucked from lands across Vermont. (We dove into one of their finest here.)

Some of those lands are orchards of forgotten apple trees that were left for dead for over a hundred years and only recently rediscovered.

Think of it as a head start on the fermenting.

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