Food & Drink

Touched by an Angels’

Coffee. This Is How You Drink Coffee Now.

By UrbanDaddy Staff ·
One large coffee, black.

Oh, you have mystery back there? Great. Yeah. Stir a little bit of that in.

That’s how you get coffee now.

... with Angels’ Cup, a subscription service that’ll send you unlabeled coffee beans from secret purveyors so you won’t know what you’re having until you have it. It’s available now, with an app and everything.

We know. You’ve already got the morning-coffee routine down. Might even involve traveling somewhere and saying too many words to get that coffee. But here’s a way to... not do that at all. Sometimes you don’t want to do that at all.

First, opt into receiving a black box with two blends each from two expertly selected coffee suppliers each week. (A smaller “flight” version’s available, too.) Get excited. Then wait around.

Soon, a small box will arrive. Inside, there will be beans. Could be Ethiopian Yirgacheffe with blueberry notes. Could be an earthy-tasting Sumatra Lingtong. Could not be those at all. You won’t know. For the next few mornings, you’ll just enjoy mugs of strong, French-pressed whatever.

When/if “whatever” doesn’t cut it, check the app to see what you’re drinking. You can also rate your brews’ sweetness and aromas and all kinds of things.

That’s a slippery slope, though.

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