
Good Times...

The Most Dubious Moments of 2014

Lots of things happened in 2014. And honestly, we’re not sure what to think about some of those things, so we were hoping you could help us out. They’re pretty damn dubious. That’s as far as we got.

Some People Tried to Deport Bieber

Some People Tried to Deport Bieber

Strength in numbers can sometimes be a great thing. Like when you’re Justin Bieber and hoards of fans earn you lots of money. But it can also be a bad thing. Like when you’re Justin Bieber and hoards of not-fans petition the White House to get you deported.

A Dancer Got Tipped with Grilled Cheese

A Dancer Got Tipped with Grilled Cheese

Rapper Gucci Mane was an unsatisfied patron of a strip club. But instead of simply not tipping or, like, leaving a comment card, he stuck an unfinished grilled cheese into the lacy underthings of a dancer. The takeaway: never mind, actually. No one cares.

Kate Upton. In a Bikini. At Zero-G.

Kate Upton. In a Bikini. At Zero-G.

If there’s one place photographing models has been unforgivably neglected, it’s in zero-gravity environments. Guess this took care of that.

You Remember Joe Biden’s Planet

You Remember Joe Biden’s Planet

You know those websites where you can go and name a star. Okay, sure. Fine. Neat. But if you’re Joe Biden, you get to skip all that because some scientists already named an entire planet after you. A little pink dwarf planet. Ha.

The Photo Leak Heard ’Round the World

The Photo Leak Heard ’Round the World

Once upon a time, some very personal photos of a bunch of famous people were shared across the world without their permission. And... you’re pretty much going to feel how you want about that.

The Vatican Came Upon Some Money

The Vatican Came Upon Some Money

You know how excited you get when you find a $10 bill you forgot was in your pocket? Well, imagine finding hundreds of millions of those instead. That’s basically what happened to the Vatican. Only in euros. So... better.

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