
Skeptical Investigation

Championship Boxing. At Your Place. Maybe.

None We’re lovers. You know that. But every now and again, something comes across our desks that just seems... suspicious. Because of the tremendous material upside to all our lives if these claims pan out, we at times put ourselves in harm’s way to investigate. Albeit skeptically.

We call it: Skeptical Investigation. (Trademark pending.)

A guy in California, we’ll call him Jacques (because that’s his name... Jacques), would like to pique your interest in a little Backyard Title Bout. You see, Jacques claims he can and will bring an entire officially licensed and sanctioned WBU heavyweight championship boxing match to your backyard. We’re talking full-on Vegas-style Don King stuff here.

So we requisitioned the services of our most fisticuff-y investigator to ask a few questions on the matter.

Salutations were exchanged. Rocky IV quotes were bandied about. And our plainclothes detective quickly learned that a highly decorated boxer by the name of Jeremy Williamz was indeed looking for a fight. Something about how the originally scheduled WBU championship fight fell through last-minute. One of those all-licensed-up-and-no-place-to-go situations. (You know, one of those.)

Sure enough, our research confirmed that this is the real deal. Which means that for a nominal fee (okay, it’s $100,000), they’ll relocate a giant ring and two championship boxers to wherever you are. We’re definitely thinking holiday party here. Or office retreat.

Or like, a really elaborate Tuesday.

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