
Fever Ptch

Making a DreamWorks Movie. On Your Phone.

None You may not be Spielberg.

And yet... those photos you captured on your phone... that’s some real art right there. Profoundly moving images. Totally could be a movie.

Time to call your guys at DreamWorks...

Or just get their app.

Fade in on Ptch, a slick new iPhone app hatched by some guys at DreamWorks Animation that’ll turn your photos and video snippets into a compelling short film in no time, available now.

The production process starts with you downloading the app. It’s free. Then study the pictures and videos already in your phone, or imported from sites like Facebook and Instagram. Three blondes before a Malibu sunset. Three blondes before a Malibu sunrise. Your pastrami on rye.

Drag and drop the pics into any sequence you like. Throw in some captions if you want, select your general theme (we’d go with Epic, but your options also include Matte and Kane, aka black-and-white) and choose your soundtrack from the songs they’ve licensed. Why yes, they do have “Blaze of Glory.”

Then Ptch handles the dirty work of turning this all into a stunningly powerful piece of cinema, pretty much instantly. Once it’s showtime on Facebook, your friends can go ahead and open it up, rework it and post their own version.

Just when you thought the window between remakes couldn’t get any smaller.

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