
Big ’Break

Like Facebook for Hollywood

None “Steven Spielberg has accepted your contact request.”

Okay, listen, that may or may not happen with the new industry-based social networking website we’re here to discuss today. But if it could, especially if you’ve got a great script sitting around about WWII-era horses that are actually adorable aliens—hey, worth a shot.

Take a look at FilmBreak, a new site that’s like if Facebook catered exclusively to networking Hollywood types, online now.

So basically, you create a FilmBreak profile for yourself, like Facebook—but you can integrate video of that artsy little short film you shot with Evan Rachel Wood, so everything you’ve made is all in one place. And if you’re in dire need of a DP, a couple dozen extras and a makeup artist who does zombie-face for the sequel shoot this Saturday, tell FilmBreak who you want to meet and you’ll get a list of apropos people looking for gigs. Click on their pages to see their stuff. Easy.

The founders are also pretty proactive about digging around members’ pages and making special intros if they see something they like—and they also host real-world member screenings and mixers that, while the site was in private beta, have been attended by NBC and Showtime execs.

Handshake deals: still impossible online.

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