
Good Times...

The Most Dubious Moments of 2012

Every year has its dubious moments. 2012 seemed to have more than its fair share. Here are six of our favorites. 2013... get crackin’.

WFNX Signed Off of Terrestrial Radio

WFNX Signed Off of Terrestrial Radio

It was a sad day when beloved alternative-radio bastion WFNX signed off terrestrial radio for good, having been sold. The station that broke many massive bands and artists before anyone else (see: Hendrix, Jimi) would be no more. Even though they’re still online, it’s just not the same.

“Highway to Hell” Got Someone Arrested

“Highway to Hell” Got Someone Arrested

A little AC/DC never hurt anyone. A lot of AC/DC, apparently, causes one’s neighbors to be a tad miffed, as demonstrated by the New Hampshire woman who was arrested four times in 26 hours for blasting “Highway to Hell” too loudly. Somewhere, Bon Scott is smiling.

A Milton Man Threw a Rager

A Milton Man Threw a <em>Rager</em>

Intimate private soirees tend not to impress you. Impressive: this crazy party that a Milton man threw at his mansion, with 1,500 guests, a good 400 cars lining his street, a door cover and some legal woes courtesy of having no liquor license. That’s one way to raise the bar.

A Ukrainian on a Bender Boarded a Plane

A Ukrainian on a Bender Boarded a Plane

You’re no stranger to the occasional alcohol-aided lapse in judgment. That said, the Ukrainian guy at the end of a 50-day bender who wrestled with passengers after trying to open the rear door of a plane that started at Logan takes the cake. Note: this should not be considered a challenge.

Locke-Ober Closed After 137 Years

Locke-Ober Closed After 137 Years

All historic reigns eventually end. Some take the length of a presidential term or two. Others take 137 years, like that of the grand dame of Boston fine dining, Locke-Ober, which shuttered for good in October. There’s always Scampo...

Noam Chomsky Went Gangnam Style

Noam Chomsky Went Gangnam Style

One of the more curious cultural flash points of 2012 was the rise of “Gangnam Style.” Even more curious: this parody that MIT students got Cantabrigian intellectual and former Norman Mailer cellmate Noam Chomsky to awkwardly appear in. We hear he’s currently planning a 798-page essay on the experience.

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