
Old Sport

Sport’s Greatest Treasures: Now Up for Bid

None Well, here we are.

Just another 52-ish hours until kickoff.

Surely, there must be some sports-related way to whittle that time down.

Buying Muhammad Ali’s fight robe is a start...

Paddles up for the Sports Collectibles Platinum Night Auction, a wondrous menagerie of sporting treasures up to and including Lou Gehrig’s pants, accepting online bids now.

If sports were a place, this would be its yard sale. And with that, here’s your highlight reel...

Lot 80002: A 1951 Red Sox jersey worn and signed by Ted Williams.
Great for hanging on your wall and never, ever washing under any circumstances.

Lot 80096: A Super Bowl XII Championship ring.
If you, for some reason, need to pass as a member of the 1977 Dallas Cowboys... this helps.

Lot 80074: A 1929 to 1931 Bruins game jersey worn by Eddie Shore.
Because procuring it here is more cost-effective than time travel.

Lot 80068: A white satin fight robe worn by Muhammad Ali in 1978.
Turns out, it’s just as comfortable to wear before making coffee as it is before punching people.

Lot 80099: Six checks signed by John F. Kennedy.
Which don’t have anything to do with sports.

But they do have to do with JFK.


Sports Collectibles Platinum Night Auction

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