Avery Provision Co.

Avery Thing

Avery Provision Co., by the Numbers

None You’re always on the go. Moving. Achieving great things. Fixing old ladies’ flat tires. But sometimes you just need to stop and eat a snack. Here to help: Avery Provision Co., a new any-time-of-day spot in the Theatre District, open as of today. Here are the relevant statistics.

Earliest it opens: 8am
Meals per day you could use this for: 3
Eggs in the Breakfast Boy sandwich: 2
Fried ham steaks in it: 1
Different cheeses you could put in it: 40
Number of those that hail from Vermont: 3
Quick-serve sushi bars: 1
Spicy tuna rolls available in burrito roll-up style: 1
Cooked briskets from a Roxbury-based brisket company: 1
Locally made ice creams and/or gelatos: 3
Premade dinners like lasagna and mac and cheese: more than 10
Dishes one of those dinners will save you from doing: at least 1
Seats at the 750-pound tasting table made using wood from a former Acton, MA, gunpowder mill: 16
Times said gunpowder mill exploded: 1
Acceptable times you can use that factoid when flirting with a fellow shopper: 1 per visit
Stinky Italian cheeses you should sample before talking to that same shopper: 0


Avery Provision Co.
571 Washington St
Boston, MA, 02111

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