
Lumber Party

No One Really Needs Beautiful Axes, But...

None Us: Excellent camping weather out there.

You: Yep, that’s called early spring.

Us: You need something with a sharp blade and a long wooden handle.

You: Yep. That’s called an axe. And yes, I do.

End scene. Enter The Explorers Axe Collection, a new North Carolina–made family of woodland tools sometimes used for turning big pieces of wood into smaller pieces of wood, and other times used for displaying proudly on your wall, now available online.

You’ll still have to chop the wood yourself. That hasn’t changed. But a lot else has.

You’re working with five options. Each hickory handle is attached to a hand-sharpened, forged-steel blade and then individually hand-painted. It’s kind of like Paul Bunyan took a painting class, then had a business idea and then made you better at wildering. (“Wildering.” Say it.)

And aside from your axe efficiently chopping the sh*t out of wood, its flat backside acts as a perfect hammer for staking down your tent. Or cracking coconuts.

Depending on your campsite location.


The Explorers Axe Collection

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