
Double-Helix Dabbing

Unique Cologne Created From Your DNA

You have a unique style. We've been looking for the right scent to match.

So you may be interested in My DNA Fragrance, a web-based company claiming to utilize the contents of your double helix to create a unique scent for you alone. (They promise not to use it to clone you.)

Step one: Order swab collection kit and submit saliva sample—it will be destroyed, but the formulation will be filed for future orders.

Step two: Select your cologne (or perfume, if you can manage to secretly swab your lady for a surprise gift).

Step three: Order a bottle to put it in, if you like. In addition to the pictured option, you could try the simple Caesar or the gold-plated Henry VIII.

Step four: Wait a week or two (from the time your sample is received) for your customized scent.

All in the pursuit of that dreamt-of step five: Basking in the glory of answering "What is that you're wearing?" after getting nuzzled repeatedly at the bar.

What happens between steps three and four remains top secret. But after market-testing in Russia, Paris and elsewhere in Europe, the company is now making an effort to spread the word stateside as early as this month.

Which means you should probably hurry—before you smell unique, just like everyone else.

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