Room Service

At Your Service

Lounge of Private Rooms Opens in Flatiron

Yes, a table is nice.

But sometimes when things start getting a little out of hand, your party deserves a room.

Hence the new highly-anticipated nightclub Room Service, opening Thursday, which boldly clears away tables and banquettes to make room for—well, rooms.
Nine of them frame the perimeter of this lushly decorated spot, which feels a little like an ornate turn-of-the-century bordello (a couple of perfunctory tables sit in the center if you'd rather go classic).

The rooms are rentable by the night and vary in size, from the smaller cubes that can hold a couple, to the biggest 15 x 20 foot "Presidential Suite" (which can properly contain your harem of 15). Rooms are closed off with silk drapes and fitted with everything you need for a proper night in—leather couches, a plasma TV and DVD player, a mini-fridge stocked with champagne, and a drawer stocked with essential toiletries…like mouthwash and condoms.

Add to that your "attendants," like a private mixologist, a concierge who is ready to fetch you anything from pizza to pajamas, and sexy masseuses you can hire by the hour to rub down you and your guests, and you have yourself a spot worthy of a sleepover.

We hear that breakfast in bed is in the works.


Room Service
35 E. 21st St
(between Broadway and Park Ave S.)
New York, NY, 10010

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