Haymarket Pub & Brewery

Haymarket Days

Bourbon-Barrel Beer and Comedy on Randolph

None 3 Photos Haymarket Pub & Brewery
Inspiration: it’s hard to predict where it will come from next.

But the smart money’s on a pint of really good beer.

So welcome to Haymarket Pub & Brewery, a literary-minded, hard-drinking brewpub slated to open as early as this Thursday in the West Loop.

There’s a no-frills, workingman’s air about the place, with its wire-basket lighting and exposed brick walls. Imagine Nelson Algren reincarnated as a brewery (we hear it was his final wish), and you’ll start to get it. But also imagine that Nelson smelled like fresh rotisserie chicken, housemade bratwurst and smoked ribs—because they’ll be on hand, too.

The brewmaster’s won every type of award short of the Pulitzer for his beer (an oversight, we’re sure). You’ll come here after a hard day of pecking out your latest exposé, and indulge in a handful of housemade Cracker Jacks... or, better yet: a mean belt of whiskey or cold pint of beer. Though soon enough, they’ll have beer aged in bourbon barrels, so be sure to toast efficiency.

Head past the kitchen and you’ll find the Drinking & Writing Theater, that lauded writing/performance group inspired by literature’s greatest alcoholic writers (so, you know, all of them). If there’s not a show in progress, you could just come in, hop on the wi-fi and start working on that novel.

Or start an Algonquin Round Table. Only sudsier.


Haymarket Pub & Brewery
737 W Randolph St
(at Halsted)
Chicago, IL, 60661


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