Drake Bar & Lounge

Lounge Act

SoMa’s Stunning New Lounge

None 5 Photos Drake Bar and Lounge

A magical land of casinos, Casino, the Rat Pack, Elvis, Céline Dion, Manilow, neon, buffets, craps, sportsbooks, quickie weddings, quickie divorces, pool parties, Marquee, that Dennis Quaid show with the Commish...

And it’s all coming to SoMa.

Well, kind of...

Say hello to Drake Bar and Lounge, a Vegas-y new hangout soft-opening this weekend in SoMa.

Chandeliers. That’s what you have here. Fourteen of ’em, in fact, including a pink one at the door. It’s part of that aforementioned Vegas vibe, along with the tufted velvet banquettes and claw-legged lounge tables. (BYO showgirl.)

So yes, we’re thinking date here. You’ll stop in before a night of dancing at the Grand and fuel up on jalapeño mac and cheese or some Pigs with Wings (the pork version of chicken wings). To wash it down, try the rum/ginger beer Perfect Storm, served in a collins glass with a grate of cinnamon. (Clooney and Wahlberg would approve... Probably.)

Oh, we should also mention there’s a front section under the black chandelier where you can procure bottle service. Dancing is encouraged.

Swinging from the chandeliers is not.


Drake Bar & Lounge
508 4th St
(at Bryant St)
San Francisco, CA, 94107


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