Hamel Family Winery

Family Ties

A Breath of Fresh Wine-Country Air in Glen Ellen

None 5 Photos Hamel Family Winery

Just... beauty.

It’s all you want swirling inside your wineglass.

Oh, and outside the wineglass, too, please.

Revise your calendar accordingly for Hamel Family Winery, a joltingly modern winery in a pretty stunning vineyard setting, now taking appointments for its June 23 debut.

What you’ll do here is, you’ll drink wine. But you won’t be at some awkwardly small counter in some rustic beige tasting room with a lazy cat. No.

You’ll be tucked into the foothills of the Mayacamas Mountains—maybe in the towering glass-walled tasting room, or on the enormous open-air deck, or in the library-ish private room, or over in the “bosk.” That’s their term for a picnic area with strung-up lights and a fountain, apparently.

Wherever you are, you’ll see mountaintops. And olive trees. And vineyards. And... wines made right here by a family with their family-career priorities in an excellent place.

They’re mostly into Bordeaux varietals here, so you might get a sauvignon blanc and a cab... but you can expect some other stuff, too. And nonmembers are welcome to schedule tastings by appointment, then buy a couple bottles and hang out.

In case you’re allergic to stunning-winery memberships.


Hamel Family Winery
15401 Sonoma Hwy
(at Madrone)
Sonoma, CA, 95476


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