The Barlow

Bar Exam

Sebastopol’s Version of the Ferry Building

None 4 Photos The Barlow
It’s pretty clear what to do in wine country.

Clearly, you drink gin and play bocce and eat poutine.

Well, you do at The Barlow, anyway.

It’s an old apple-processing plant turned giant, multibuilding marketplace, and it’s now open in Sebastopol.

Herewith: at least four good reasons to go...

Housed in one of the many sheet-metal buildings is a restaurant called Zazu Kitchen + Farm. That’s where you’ll go when you feel like eating boar burgers and Pig-Face Poutine. Don’t worry, it’s pulled pork over lard fries and blue cheese instead of gross.

Gin and whiskey.
Then there’s Spirit Works Distillery. They make gin and whiskey. It’s all distilled by hand. They offer tours on weekends. They... make gin and whiskey.

Keep walking around, though. Look for a sunny outdoor deck with a bunch of happy people drinking beer on it. That’s the solar-powered brewery called Woodfour. And coincidentally, that’s where you’re going to become a happy person drinking beer on an outdoor deck.

Yep. Wine, too.
When in Rome and all that. But yeah, you’ll also find a bunch of wine tasting rooms on the property. La Follette. Wind Gap Wines. They’re next to the fire pit and bocce court.

You know, for convenience.


The Barlow
200 Morris St
(near Highway 12)
Sebastopol, CA, 95472


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