Dogpatch WineWorks

Dog Days

Like Owning a Winery, Without the Winery

UD - Dogpatch WineWorks So you’ve had some wine.

Not just this past weekend. In life.

Enough wine, in fact, that we think you’re ready.

Ready to make your own...

Introducing Dogpatch WineWorks—a do-it-yourself winery at your service to produce custom wine without leaving the city—accepting 80-barrel memberships now at the American Industrial Center on Third Street.

If you’ve had visions of filling your wine cellar with 300 bottles (each with your name on it), this is where you’ll make your scene—a warehouse equipped with all the machinery and expertise you’ll need to stomp, crush, blend and bottle your own varietal.

Let’s take that bottle of Goldeneye pinot noir that you lorded over/enjoyed during the fireworks... You could make your wine with grapes from that very same vineyard in Anderson Valley. That, or you can get your fruit from a bunch of small-lot vineyards in California’s best grape-growing regions, like Anderson Valley, Santa Maria Valley, Sonoma Coast and Napa.

From there, it’s a vineyard-to-label process that swings into high gear around harvest in October. In general, most of the action happens in the winery—including stomping, when you actually crush the grapes with your own hands and feet.

After fermentation and barrel aging, there’s a final blend session before you bottle and label all 24 cases’ worth.

Better yet: drink one, label one...


Dogpatch WineWorks
2455 3rd St
(at 22nd)
San Francisco, CA, 94107

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