
In Vein

Meet the House-Call Hangover Cure

None Hangovers.

Let’s go ahead and cure those for you.

Actually, let The I.V. Doctor, a 24/7 house-call service that’ll shoot you full of intravenous hangover-curing potions, available now.

The end-all-be-all of hangover cures. That’s what this is. It’s a physician (or a comely nurse—seriously) who will arrive at your door, knock on it ever so gently and hook you up to a reviving cocktail of vitamins, minerals and medications. It’s almost cheating.

It’s simple enough. You visit their site, become a member and pay a sum for access to two monthly appointments (which beats tithing to the porcelain god). Then, just start scheduling.

Or wait. If you’re a member, you’ll have a direct phone line and can schedule as late as 30 minutes before you want relief. And according to their medical experts, you can also do the whole process before going out, and not feel a thing in the morning.

Or whenever you decide to wake up.

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