Things to do for October 21, 2015

The Weekender

Seinfeld, Sexting and Jay Z

Ooh, weekend is a place on earth.

Your Crack Team of Instagram Writers

Your Crack Team of Instagram Writers

You’ll take a photo. You’ll think, “The world needs to see this.” You’ll send it to a couple guys who will send you 10 different Instagram captions to choose from. And then you’ll post with the best one. Thus ends the story of you always having the best Instagram captions.

Things. All of the Things.

Things. All of the Things.

Old coins. A 1950s Bush TV. The bust of Emperor Vitellius. All things you’d hate to see fade into oblivion. Enter: this, which is like Wikipedia for objects. It catalogs photos and other relevant materials that might one day be needed about objects. And what a day it will be.

Owning Important Simpsons Things

Owning Important <em>Simpsons</em> Things

What if we were to tell you that concept drawings and signed script covers from The Simpsons, a jacket from Cheers and other random memorabilia from Sam Simon (Simpsons cocreator) were going up for auction Thursday? You know damn well what if.

Yes, Seinfeld Could Be Stylish

Yes, Seinfeld Could Be Stylish

In case you missed it: Kempt put together a guide to dressing like a ’90s-era Jerry Seinfeld—dad jeans, oversized blazer and all. Only this time, it’s going to work.

Texting Through the Ages

Texting Through the Ages

Clueless, Jay Z rapping about his Motorola, this new phenomenon of texting for booze. It’s all covered in this brief pop culture history of texting. This is our heritage, folks.

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