Things to do for September 18, 2014

The Weekender

Models, Elvis’s Cadillac and Instagram Things

It is better to light a weekend than to curse the darkness.

Buying Elvis’s and Johnny Cash’s Cars

Buying Elvis’s and Johnny Cash’s Cars

We figured you should know that your chance to own Elvis’s ’67 Cadillac Coupe de Ville or Johnny Cash’s ’70 Rolls-Royce Silver Shadow is fast approaching at this Vegas car auction. We also figured you should know there are other cars, but figured you wouldn’t care.

Couple Odds. Few Ends. It’s Good Stuff.

Couple Odds. Few Ends. It’s Good Stuff.

Question: What do these things have in common?
—A surfboard with an astronaut on it.
—A camping hatchet with a damn fine-looking paint job.
—A Möbius-like lamp.
Answer: They were all made in Brooklyn, and they’re all available to be shipped to places other than that. Hatchet time.

Some Photographs You’ll Probably Like

Some Photographs You’ll Probably Like

Here’s a photographer’s website with pictures of places. Lots of places. Like bedrooms. And stairwells. And the desert. And backyards. Oh, and there are models being half-clad in those places. Last part seemed important to mention.

How to Make Someone’s Instagram Day

How to Make Someone’s Instagram Day

Somewhere in the world, a lonely human sits staring at Instagram awaiting an orange-and-white-hearted notification that’ll never come. Be their hero on this site that compiles photos with zero Instagram likes in the hopes that someone (read: you) will like them. Sometimes altruism is funny.

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