Things to do for April 04, 2013

The Weekender

Billy Reid, Frank Lloyd Wright and Immortality

Heroes get remembered, but weekends never die.

A Digital Camera That Runs on Sunlight

A Digital Camera That Runs on Sunlight

It happens all the time. Your camera dies, and you say, “I really should have packed an extra battery.” But now, you’ll just say, “I’m really glad I packed this solar- and hand-crank-powered digital camera.” And then someone else will say, “Wow, you really came prepared.” Like we said: all the time.

Next Time You’re in London, Eat Here

Next Time You’re in London, Eat Here

Quick: book a flight to London. Also: don’t eat a single thing on the flight there. Because revered NYC restaurant impresario John DeLucie just opened his new spot across the pond. Expect the same hearty deliciousness from his stateside operations, Crown and the Lion. Do not, however, expect to pay in dollars.

25% Off the Lot of Billy Reid

25% Off the Lot of Billy Reid

Your brothers-in-handsomeness at Billy Reid are having a 25%-off-everything sale. And by everything, they mean suits, shoes, shirts, sweaters, bags, artwork, blazers, ties, belts and books. Oh, and one single, solitary hat that says “Make Cornbread, Not War.” Yep, they definitely meant “everything.”

In Case You Need a New Cattle Ranch...

In Case You Need a New Cattle Ranch...

Here you are. Early April. No better time to grab yourself a thousand or so acres of prime Jackson Hole real estate—home to bears, deer and bald eagles. Especially since the iconic Walton Ranch went on sale for a fraction of its original asking price. That $70 million has burned a hole in your pocket for far too long.

Frank Lloyd Wright Has a Lamp for You

Frank Lloyd Wright Has a Lamp for You

Frank Lloyd Wright. Guy designed some pretty cool stuff. Like Fallingwater. And the Guggenheim. And... this lamp resembling an avant-garde Jenga sculpture. Thanks to this preservation society, you can now get one of those lamps. Which is great if you love architecture. Or seeing things after dark.

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