
Spirit of 77

Staking Out Your Next Hotel Room

UD - Room77 Sometime soon—maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but soon—you’re going to need a hotel room.

And when you do, you’ll want some basic amenities. A good view. A bathtub full of green and orange M&Ms. And, of course, a blueprint of the premises.

But you’ll settle for two out of the three.

Introducing Room 77, an online guide to finding the perfect room wherever you happen to be staying, available now.

So imagine the situation. You’re all set to book your room. But then it occurs to you—you can’t say for certain which is best: Room 438 or Room 439. So you’ll come to this site, where you’ll find blueprints, square footage and concierge notes for hundreds of thousands of rooms across the country. And once you’ve settled on a hotel, you’ll get a list of the best rooms in the place, ranked according to your unique demands. (438 is an early favorite.)

It’s still in beta, so they haven’t yet gotten around to more exotic locales (Monte Carlo, Macau, Cincinnati). And if, months from now, you find yourself with an undisclosed mission that requires a bird’s-eye view of a certain stretch of beach in Miami (national security could be at stake), you’ll have a Street View–style mock-up of the exact view you’ll see out the window, along with the exact altitude and distance from the elevator.

Your country will thank you.

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