
Drew Can It Be Now

Where the Internet Keeps the Good Shirts

Fill in the blanks:

______ Fisk

______ Banks


Hopefully, that wasn’t too difficult for a Friday.

On a barely related note, meet Carlton Drew, the Internet outpost of a Los Angeles handsomeness expert named C. Drew Sutton (guess what the “C” stands for), online now.

The story behind this place: it’s in Los Angeles and it specializes in covetable closet staples like Gitman Bros. button-downs. The story behind the Internet: you can access it from pretty much anywhere in the world and it was invented by Al Gore. Put it all together... and you’ve got a new place to shop for shirts.

So peruse their website. Picture yourself sauntering around in their Gant flannels. Imagine the autumnal date implications of those dark Raleigh Denim jeans. Then, make those visions a reality without driving to West Hollywood.

Also, take note of the exclusive shirt line they designed in-house. That’s where you’re going to find the sort of plaid and chambray things that nobody else is likely to own.

Unless they just read this.

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