
Snapper’s Delight

An App That Destroys Pictures

None Sorry, but none of this applies to you.

In fact, just stop reading right now.

You see, we were about to go into something like:

“Maybe you have a special someone.

“And maybe you also have a special someone else.

“And should you happen to leave any incriminating evidence floating around, it could possibly cause some... confusion.

“Good news: we’ve found a way to make sure that never happens...”

But since none of that applies to you, there’s definitely no reason for you to know about Snapchat, an iPhone app that automatically destroys any potentially damning pictures you send (or receive) after 10 seconds, available now.

To help you get a feel for this thing, picture the way Words with Friends works—find your friends through the app. Play a little game. Have a few laughs. Now imagine that same thing, only the words explode right after you see them. And it’s called Pictures with Friends... with Benefits.

That’s this.

So after you and a few particularly photogenic acquaintances download the app, you’ll follow these steps: 1) Take a picture. Any picture. (Examples may include puppies. A banana peel that looks like Peter Cetera. Other stuff.) 2) Select the amount of time said picture will be viewable on the other person’s screen (anywhere from one to 10 seconds). 3) Hit send.

Meanwhile, on the other person’s screen...

Somewhere, there’s an Anthony Weiner weeping.

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