
Getting into Character

Famous People Trying to Look Like Other Famous People

That Steve Jobs biopic is out. It’s called <em>Steve Jobs</em>. That’s good because Michael Fassbender plays the title character and you might not know who he is suppose to be otherwise. What we’re saying:  he looks nothing like Jobs. That black turtleneck isn’t fooling anyone.<br /> <br /> But, hey. Superman put on a pair of glasses and the world thinks he’s Clark Kent. Maybe this will work out the same way.<br /> <br /> In any case, we rated the all-time easiest ways actors tried to portray real-life famous people. With Halloween costumes right around the corner, you may want to take notes.

Michael Fassbender as Steve Jobs

Michael Fassbender as Steve Jobs

Movie: Steve Jobs
Essential tools: A black turtleneck, wireframe glasses
Hit or miss: Total miss. Fassbender looks more like an angry West German performance artist, not an angry West Coast tech exec.

Jesse Eisenberg as Mark Zuckerberg

Jesse Eisenberg as Mark Zuckerberg

Movie: The Social Network
Essential tools: A hoodie, a scowl
Hit or miss: Hit. Jesse Eisenberg already looks much like Zuckerberg with better bone structure. But man, that hoodie really sold it. We hear it’s shortlisted for the Justin Bieber story.

Nichole Kidman as Virginia Woolf

Nichole Kidman as Virginia Woolf

Movie: The Hours
Essential tools: A rubber nose
Hit or miss: Semi-hit. Well, considering the public has no real recollection of what Woolf looked like, Roseanne Barr could probably have been convincing. 

Faye Dunaway as Joan Crawford

Faye Dunaway as Joan Crawford

Movie: Mommie Dearest
Essential tools: A terrifying amount of eyebrow pencils
Hit or miss: Hit. Dunaway is probably now the definitive version of Crawford. 

Bill Murray as Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Bill Murray as Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Movie: Hyde Park on Hudson
Essential tools: A cigarette holder, wheelchair, patrician smirk
Hit or miss: Miss. Chevy Chase’s Gerald Ford was probably more convincing.

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