
Flicked Off

The Hot or Not of Movies

UD - Flickchart As a very wise man—okay, it was Diddy—once said: vote or die.
And while he was talking about electoral politics, we'd like to echo his sentiment, only for something that's really important:

Picking the best movie of all-time—scientifically.

Introducing Flickchart, an ultra-addictive site that lets you rank movies, Hot or Not-style. (Year One: decidedly not hot.)

Flickchart is the kind of site that makes you almost grateful for being chained to your desk every day. Click over when the boss isn't looking, and you'll be presented with two randomly chosen movie posters—they've largely eschewed the American versions for wacky foreign ones—and you pick which flick was objectively better. Be prepared to make some real Sophie's choices: Good Will Hunting or Office Space. Back to the Future Part II or Terminator 2. Dumb and Dumber or Brokeback Mountain. (We think the decision is clear.)

Once you've ranked enough movies, you'll be able to peruse a list of your favorites (as determined by science) and face the shocking realization that Con Air is your fifth-favorite film. It also keeps a tally of movies you haven't seen, in case you decide to improve yourself by finally checking out Wild Things. Finally, there's also a tally of how many days, even years you've spent watching movies—a surefire way to regret sitting through that Brendan Fraser marathon.

The site's currently in private beta, but the gurus behind it are letting UD readers in the back door by clicking here.

Think of it as a sneak peek.

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