
Every Super Bowl Commercial, Pitchfork Radio and Bill Cosby’s Least Favorite Comedian

Agenda: We Just Want to Make Sure You’re Ready for the Weekend

By Chris LaMorte ·
You’ve got a great big weekend ahead. Interesting things will happen. You’ll experience new sights, enticing sounds and intriguing tastes. And if you don’t, well, you could always just click something below. We call it Agenda. A little weekend kick start.

Pitchfork Radio Live from Shinola’s Booth at New York Fashion Week: Men’s
Yeah, well, maybe a radio broadcast from a fashion event is... counterintuitive. So what. Pitchfork’s live streaming of music interviews has been pretty entertaining so far. It culminates tomorrow night with Afrika Bambaataa and indie cult legend Calvin Johnson.

Better Call Saul Season 1
The new season of Better Call Saul debuts February 15, so you have just enough time to watch season 1, now available streaming on Netflix. (It’s available for download on iTunes.) We know you can do it.

Hannibal Buress: Comedy Camisado
Speaking of Netflix... if your name is Bill Cosby, you probably won’t be watching the new stand-up special from Chicago comedian Hannibal Buress. Everyone else, though, has no problem with the guy.

Super Bowl Commercials
Oh, what the hell. Everyone’s going to be talking about them anyway, so you might as well keep up with the Super Bowl commercials. Forbes is posting them as they’re released. They let you vote on them, too. Democracy, people.
Chris LaMorte

Chris LaMorte’s favorite lapel: peak. Favorite bulldog: French. Can you offer him a glass of champagne: yes. Often mistaken for: Zach Galifianakis. Often mistakes himself for: Bradley Cooper.

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