
O Yeah

A Den of Ill Repute at Nikki Beach

None 6 Photos O1
This may be the most hectic week of the year.

Last-minute shopping, gin-fueled holiday parties, eggnog-fueled family gatherings…

Come this weekend, you'll want to sink into a deep velvet couch and unwind with a few cocktails, a smattering of comely Europeans and Mona Lisa's knowing smirk.

Introducing O1, a new den of late-night pleasures in South of Fifth, opening this Saturday.

Finding O1 should be relatively easy. Just follow the sounds of multinational accents emanating from Nikki Beach's vast nightlife complex at the tip of Ocean Drive and First. The lounge is located on the second floor, in the former Club Nikki space. The new owners have traded in the monotonous all-white decor and plasma screens for a space that feels more like a British clubhouse crossed with a bordello.

Reserve one of the tables in the tiered VIP area so you and your weekend compatriots can take in the Colonial-era curiosities strewn about—antique phones, handsomely bound books, the occasional valise or two (perfect for your jaunts to the Orient). And should you want to roam the grounds to meet whatever random beautiful Italian or Dane happens to be hanging out at Nikki that night, make sure to stop at the bar under the crystal chandelier for a taste of something dry and refreshing.

Or some champagne.

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