
Feel the Heat

It's Literally the Hottest App Yet

UrbanDaddy - The Coachella iPhone App The scorching sun. The sexy girls. The hipsters in tinfoil leotards.

Yes, Coachella's an easy place to get… distracted. Soon, you've lost track of how many brews you've sunk, and whether the Fleet Friendly Firefoxes are a band or a browser.

Keep it together with a simple but stunning innovation—the Coachella iPhone App.

A free download, the Coachella app keeps your entire three-day schedule in your pocket once the set times are announced—and then keeps the ever-fluid times updated on site. So if, say, M.I.A. is running a bit late because she's having another baby, you can keep swaying in the shade with your favorite groupie just a bit longer before heading across the way.

But if you two get separated, there's also a friend-finder function built in. Assuming she's downloaded the app too (and she's added you as a friend), you can then share your location info with each other for the duration of the festival. We're guessing you'll converge somewhere near the beer…

At which point, you won't need a phone to tell you what to do.

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