
Get the Door

It’s Not Delivery, It’s... Wait, Yes It Is

None We have news.

Are you sitting down?

It’s not bad news. We just ask because you might as well get comfortable since these guys are handling dinner now.

Reap the benefits of DoorDash, a new delivery service that’s kindly bringing you food from more than 150 area restaurants, taking sign-ups now and launching Wednesday.

That considerable roster of restaurants includes lots of places that didn’t deliver before, like Hopdoddy, R+D and True Food Kitchen. And these guys have a fleet of bikers and drivers at the ready to pick up and drop off your next meal. So don’t be afraid to use them.

You might consider fasting until Wednesday to make sure you’re properly prepared, hunger-wise. Then, whenever your day would be improved by lunch you don’t have to procure yourself, just consult the website or pull up the app, browse through your options and make a selection.

It operates Uber-style, so the nearest available delivery person will be dispatched to pick up your food, and you’ll receive real-time updates the whole way.

Then, before you know it, a double cheeseburger, a Reuben and some spicy noodles will show up at your door.

Well, unless you ordered pizza.

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