Pi Gallery Bar

Pi There

A Second-Story Pizza Funhouse in River North

None 8 Photos Pi Gallery Bar
3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971... you know how this ends.

With pizza.

Or to put it another way...

You + bourbon + pizza + art = Pi Gallery Bar, a second-story lounge specializing in that equation and opening Friday in River North. (Here’s the slideshow and the menu.)

We know. It would have been a great place to celebrate last Saturday on 03/14/15. But the owners were instead adjusting their calculations for the perfect Neapolitan-style pizza. These things cannot be rushed.

What you’re mostly getting here: an easygoing loft bar that’s ready for whatever. Just follow the scent of margherita pizza guiding you up the staircase.

Make your way to their “indoor patio” near the front windows, where a collection of local art is on display. Relax with a date on a soft couch with something brown-ale-ish or a Bourbon Babe—made with chocolate-infused whiskey and candied bacon—while you unwind.

When you’re ready, there’s a pizza oven over in the corner. Go to it. It’s making thin-crust creations like The Mac-elangelo (yes, it’s a pasta-topped pizza) and another topped with pork belly and barbecue sauce.

Let’s call it “the pizza corner.”

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