Things to do for June 19, 2014

The Weekender

A New Patio, a New Lunch and a Reggae Party

The weekend has strong notes of cherry with an oak finish.

You Asked for a Patio. Trade Listened.

You Asked for a Patio. Trade Listened.

It’s a fact: lamb-sausage flatbreads and fried-chicken sandwiches taste 48% better outside. Okay, so that’s an entirely unprovable opinion. But here’s a fact: Trade now has 50 patio seats right off the Greenway. No, really, we checked.

Now open, Trade, 540 Atlantic Ave, 617-451-1234

“Hey, We Do Lunch Now” —La Brasa

“Hey, We Do Lunch Now” —La Brasa

They opened for dinner. They launched brunch. The only thing left for La Brasa to serve was high tea. Just kidding. Lunch, obviously. It’s in their market, and it has a lot to do with grilled tomato gazpacho and barbecue brisket sandwiches. And martinis, but you already knew that part.

Meet the Five-Figure Martini

Meet the Five-Figure Martini

Here’s what you can order with $10,015 at the Ritz’s Avery Bar:
—Any of their 10 martinis 667.66 times.
—417 charcuterie boards (rounded down).
—A single martini shaken in a handmade, sterling silver Lighthouse shaker from legendary London jeweler Asprey. Which you get to keep.
That last sentence seemed important.

Cheese, Wine and... Opera

Cheese, Wine and... Opera

Lounging about tasting Italian cheeses and Italian wines is... pretty fantastic. There’s really no way to make that experience better. Unless some sort of opera troupe arrived to serenade you with the sweet sounds of Puccini while it happened. And that’s exactly what this is. Nice one, life.

Mojitos and Reggae by Boston Harbor

Mojitos and Reggae by Boston Harbor

So it’s the end of the email. Sorry there wasn’t a harborside “Rum & Reggae Jam” full of live music, mojitos and jerk-chicken kebabs to talk about this week. See you next week. Oh, wait. The Fairmont Battery Wharf just stepped up to the job. Close one.

Elsewhere on the Daddy

More Radar in Boston