
Lighten Up

It’s Time to Sanitize Your Phone

None Do us a favor real quick:

Look at your hands.

Now, think of all the things your hands have touched today. And then touched your phone.

Now, think of those images you’ve seen of like a billion germs sitting on the head of a pin. Now glance back at your phone.

Yeah, gross. Let’s change that.

With this: the Violight UV Cell Phone Sanitizer, sort of a smartphone de-germ-ing addition to your anti-flu weapons cache, available now.

Sure, one should live in harmony with nature. On the other hand, you don’t want the norovirus. Enter this tanning-bed-esque smartphone cleaner, which uses germicidal UV rays to kill 99.9% of germs.

You’ll want to keep this on your desk at work. To begin sanitizing, just slide your phone into this thing until the LED strip lights up. Five minutes later, any lingering pathogen on that petri dish you call a communications device will be destroyed by all the UV magic inside. That goes for everything from strep to salmonella to the H1N1 virus (riding the Orange Line carries certain hazards).

It also works for MP3 players, PDAs, earbuds and Bluetooth headsets.

We’ll talk about the state of your inner ear another time.


Violight UV Cell Phone Sanitizer

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