Sky Zone Indoor Trampoline Park

Jump Around

The City’s First Indoor Trampoline Park

You remember trampolines.

They’re those things you jump on.

You had one in your backyard growing up. Damn near double-bounced the neighbor kid into the next time zone once.

Well, you’re about to meet the adult version of that.

Or at least as adult-y as playing dodgeball while jumping around like a ninja can be...

Bear witness to the Sky Zone Indoor Trampoline Park, your new grown-up playground with a vast compound of wall-to-wall trampolines for your bouncy-dodgeballing, Jackie Chan-ing pleasure, slated to open late next week in (oh God...) Suwanee.

Picture a basketball court. Now picture it being made of trampolines. And surrounded by walls that are also trampolines. That’s this.

Oh, and yes, it’s in Suwanee. Which is not ideal. But at the same time, a 20-minute pilgrimage up north is a small price to pay for catching LeBron-like air and making Cirque du Soleil look like sixth-grade gym class.

So you’ve got a few options here. You could just show up and opt for a 30-minute to two-hour “open jump” session. Try your hand at the foam pit...

Or just take the obvious route and sign up for the 3D Dodgeball League. It’s basically dodgeball, but with the added benefit of being able to bounce off walls and do triple backflips before launching a ball into someone’s unsuspecting midsection.

You really could’ve used this at recess.


Sky Zone Indoor Trampoline Park
560 Old Peachtree Rd NW, Ste 300
Suwanee, GA, 30024

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