
Fight Club

A New Supper Club in West Midtown

None Newspaper reporter Clark Kent. Dons a cape and he’s Superman.

Eccentric billionaire Bruce Wayne. Dons a mask and he’s Batman.

Financial advisor Ben Portman. Dons a chef’s coat and he’s... financial advisor Ben Portman.

But with a chef’s coat. And the master of...

... Fight the Fright Sunday Suppers, an edgy new underground supper club from an honest-to-God financial advisor, holding dinners on select Sundays now.

So. An underground supper club. You know the drill. Obscure location. An inventive self-taught chef. Free-flowing wine. This is like that, but... different. Good different. Kangaroo-marinated-in-red-wine different.

You’ll start, of course, by registering at Ben’s website, dubbed PorKman’s Table. When he emails you an invite, move fast: if you’re even the 11th answerer... it’s to the waiting list for you.

Then, come Sunday, you’ll head to his unassuming, jazz-on-vinyl-type Westside house. Start in the kitchen, where the first course is being prepped (past examples include spicy shrimp over dry ice). Then, get settled in the dining room, where anything from suckling pig or faux H&F burgers to bacon-topped peanut butter pies will arrive. You’ll wash it all down with wine or a cocktail—say, bourbon with spiced cider.

Before it’s done, you have one last duty: indulging in a Spanish tradition by taking a special decanter, holding it above your head with outstretched arms and pouring sparkling wine straight into your mouth.

Try not to miss.


Fight the Fright Sunday Suppers

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